Join us September 26-27, 2024, for a full agenda of activities to learn about business opportunities in Aguascalientes, and celebrate with us the re-launching of our Chapter in this thriving State.

The agenda includes:

·     Swearing-in with the presence of the Governor of the State of Aguascalientes, María Teresa Jiménez

·     Reception and dinner at Palacio de Gobierno with government and business leaders

·     Visit to the National Institute for Statistics and Geography

·     Visit to manufacturing plants of leading automotive and technology companies in the State

·     Winery Tour



·     Population: 1,491, 126

·     Main economic activities: manufacturing (vehicles and transportation equipment, electronic components and computer, metal mechanic) agriculture, mining, cattle

·     State Police ranks 2nd as the most trusted in Mexico

·     Ranks 4th in the generation of formal employment

·     The World Bank has recognized Aguascalientes as the easiest state to do business in Mexico

Space is limited. To register and for more information, please contact Gabriela Kenny at



Web Links
  • Air Quality

  • Animals

  • Citizen Action

  • Conservation

  • Environmental Education

  • Environmental Health

  • EPA Links

  • Fresh Water

  • Fund Raising

  • Government

  • Green Products

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  • Minerals

  • Nuclear

  • Organizations

  • Plants

  • Recycling

  • Research

  • Salt Water

  • Sustainability

  • Trees

  • Waste Water

  • Wilderness

  • Volunteers


Clean Air Commandos

Coalition for Safer Cleaner Vehicles – Not for Profit Org.

Envirosense Consortium, Inc – A nonprofit organization of strategic companies dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues facing building owners and facility managers, with a focus on indoor air quality.

AIRNOW – U.S. EPA – Provide real-time air pollution data in an understandable, visual format, Information about the public health and environmental effects of air pollution, Information about ways they can protect their health, and actions to reduce pollution.

Air pollution, clean air, air quality Information from the US EPA’s Office of Air – Air pollution, clean air, air quality Information from theUS EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR). OAR develops national programs, technical policies, and regulations for air pollution control.

United States Environmental Protection Agency: Ozone Depletion Home Page – Information about ozone depletion home page, US regulations about CFCs and substitutes, ozone science, international policy, and the UV Index

FedWorld-EPA Information Network: Clean Air Act Database Homepage – This Page Last Revised Database Updated Every Thursday. The EPA determined that one of the best ways to bring the air quality levels of the nation’s…


Conservation International – a nonprofit organization using science, economics, policy, and community involvement to promote biodiversity conservation in rain forests and other ecosystems worldwide.

American Association of Zoo Keepers

New Mexico’s Animalweek – Animal organizations throughout out New Mexico are joining together to make this annual event a focal point for bringing animal welfare issues and humane education programs to the public.

Cal/EPA Database – Search The California Wildlife Exposure Factor and Toxicity Database (Cal/Ecotox) by chemical name.


Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide Homepage

COPA – Citizens Opposed to PCB Ash. Info concerning PCB and dioxin pollution, and alternative remediation techniques. Superfund, EPA, CERCLA, NEPA, and more.

Earth First!

Earth Warriors Direct Actions – in defense of the ancient peoples, environments and future generations. Focused on Cascadia.


Environmental Defense Fund – representing 300,000 members, combines science, economics, and law to find economically sustainable solutions to environmental problems.

Foundation for Global Sustainability – An environmental advocacy/activist organization for the East Tennessee & Southern Appalachian Region

Greenpeace International

Handbook for a Better Future

Help Preserve the Grand Canyon – Help Stop A Massive Commercial Development From Ruining The Grand Canyon! Now we need your help to stop this from happening.

International Dark-Sky Association – non-profit membership-based organization that aims stop the adverse environmental impact of light pollution and space debris.

INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE – The Mission of the Foundation for the Conservation of Nature, International (FCN) is to provide to the public organized, reliable information about environmental issues and develop action for the conservation of nature.

International Society for Environmental Ethics

Middle Patuxent Valley Association – The Middle Patuxent Valley Association, a Citizens Action group concerned with the Middle Patuxent River in Maryland. This group was largely responsible for preservation of this area which has recently become a county park.

Natural Resources Defense Council – Protect the world’s natural resources and ensure a healthy environment for all.

North American Regional Environmental Youth Forum – A group of young environmentalists sharing interests, energy and information to increase their own ability as activists in their bio-regions.

Rainforest Action Network

SCAR (South Coast Against Roadbuilding) – Opposing the Folkeston to Honiton Superhighway.

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance – Fighting to preserve Utah’s spectacular wildlands.

Student Environmental Action Coalition

TAGER – Southeast Forest Activists Resource

Taiga Rescue Network – dedicated to protecting the natural and cultural heritage of the northern forests.

Youth In Action Network


GREENlink – Your Starting Point for a Green solution. Environmental issues, recycling, composting, water/air quality, waste management.

Ground Zero Productions, Inc. – Producers of Environmental Awareness PSA’s and shows in the laser display format for planetariums, science centers, schools, and the general public. Profits outside of operating costs go to other Environmental organizations worldwide.

IdeeFix Communication – Non-profit organization for environment and communication.


Classroom Earth – Training librarians, environmental professionals, gov’t officials, business leaders to access resources about the environment and sustainable development.

Environmental Hazards Management Institute – a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to resolving environmental problems through education and relationship building.

Environmental Information Center – formed to fight the government rollback of government protections euphemistically referred to as “regulatory reform”

INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION – The Institute of Global Education, a non-profit United Nations Non-Governmental Organization, was founded in 1984 as The World Peace University.

Living Earth – an international organization working to create understanding and resolution of environmental issues within local communities through education

GLOBE – Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment – a worldwide science and education program coordinating the work of students, teachers, and scientists to monitor the global environment.

Pollution Prevention at Home – Consumer Pollution Prevention Information from Ohio EPA Office of Pollution Prevention.


EPA – Lead Hazard Info Pamphlet – Features a comprehensive set of tips for dealing with and preventing lead poisoning in the home. Learn about lead’s physical and mental effects.

EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics – Toxics Release Inventory -valuable Information source about toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment.

Gaia e.V.

Global Futures – A nonprofit environmental consulting company that specializes in business and environment conflict resolution, environmental policy analysis, and resource efficiency.

Healthy Communities Environmental Mapping –Location, type, and performance of HUD-funded activities and select EPA Information on brownfields, hazardous wastes, air pollution and waste water discharges


Welcome to the United States Environmental Protection Agency Home Page –

Environmental Protection Agency – Government agency furnishes extensive resources in environment-related Information, including news, legislation, test methods, and data.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Employment Information – This site provides Information on EPA jobs. You will find helpful employment Information about this agency and its mission.

EPA Government Information Locator Service (GILS) – Search EPA’s Government Information Locator Service. Use this form to submit a text search on the GILS records provided by EPA’s server.

EPA List servers – Information on EPA list servers.

EPA Yucca Mountain Information

EPA’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Home Page new
Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health, but may not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant effects.

EPA’s Information Collection Request Page – Allows the public to view EPA’s Information Collection Requests and aids in the development of ICRs by EPA Program Offices.

U.S. EPA Headquarters Information Resources Center – The EPA Headquarters Information Resources Center provides reference assistance to the public and EPA staff.

AIRLinks – U.S. EPA – EPA’s Office of Air & Radiation for quick access to “what’s new this week,” “breaking news,” and “hot topic” air & radiation Information. Gateway to Air Pollution Information.

EPA – Oil Spill Prevention & Response – Oil Pollution Act of 1990

US EPA Information Resources – Links to Information resources, such as Information centers, mailing lists and pesticide agencies.

EPA’s Office of Water Homepage – Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Water – This beautifully produced site exploring America’s Water Resources with an emphasis on the quality of our Nation’s Water features powerful searching, imagery.

EPA Small Business Gateway – Information about assistance, compliance, regulations and pollution prevention.

Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information – Contains publications, news and project descriptions for engineers and state officials. Provided by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Buy Recycled: EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines – Recycled content guidelines and other Information for U.S. federal government procurement. Includes directories of manufacturers of a wide range recycled products for industrial, commercial, and household use.

EPA Information Numbers – Guide to Environmental Issues

EPA’s Extended Product Responsibility (EPR) Site – This site provides Information on the EPR concept, what initiatives are underway in the U.S. and internationally, and a wealth of related resources such as public-private alliances, academic research, publications, involved organizations, and more.

Welcome to the United States Environmental Protection Agency Home Page – Enviro$en$e: Common sense solutions to environmental problems

Introduction – Guide to Environmental Issues

EPA Halon Rules –

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Keep track of the activities of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at its official Web site. Use keyword queries or phrases to search the site for Information about this federal agency, environmental news, projects and programs, laws and regulations, online publications, databases for online research and software for downloading. The site also features an Advanced search feature that allows the visitors to perform five simultaneous searches incorporating Boolean and proximity operators.

EQ:EPA Environmental Quality, Status, and Trends – The URL has been changed, the new URL is Please update your bookmarks.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Small Business Ombudsman – serves as a conduit for small businesses to access EPA and facilitates communications between the small business community and the Agency.


20/20 VISION – safe drinking water and waste reduction

American Rivers

EPA Office of Water: River Corridor & Wetlands Restoration – provides Information to those involved in aquatic ecosystem restoration, and helps develop a more complete picture of restoration activities nationwide.

FRESHWATER FOUNDATION – The Freshwater Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping people protect and rationally manage our freshwater resources. The Foundation’s mission is to protect fresh water and increase public awareness of its importance.

Friends of the Santa Clara River – FSCR

Georgia Strait Alliance – a charitable, non-profit society formed in 1990 to protect, preserve and restore the ecology of Georgia Strait and its adjoining waters.

GREEN – Global Rivers Environmental Education Network – seeks to improve the quality of watersheds and rivers, and thereby the lives of people.

EPA’s Surf Your Watershed – Environmental Protection Agency’s service to help citizens locate environmental Information about their local regions.


WATERWATCH VICTORIA – The state of Victoria, Australia.

Watershed Weekly The first of it’s kind, weekly watershed web cast spotlights the hundreds of Growing Greener watershed projects going on throughout the state, with a new program airing each week.


Dolphin Island Greenware – Non profit association, creator of the Greenware concept and products. Objective is to create and sell software of which proceeds go entirely to funding of nature and sea life preservation.

Environmental Fund for Georgia

Jim Morris – In 1977, Jim Morris started printing t-shirts himself. Twenty-one years later, he continues to print t-shirts that describe threats to the environment and show how you can help. The shirts also show that wildlife and nature deserve our respect and wonder.

The Yosemite Fund

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water – This Office at EPA works to ensure safe drinking water and to protect the quality of the Nation’s Drinking Water Supply. The site features drinking water and health Information, kid’s pages, and drinking water publications and guidance documents.

Envirofacts Warehouse – Grants Information – Search the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Envirofacts Database for grant Information from the Grants Information and Control System (GICS) by applicant name, award date, grant, geography or text. Results provide a list of grants including grant number, CFDA number, applicant name, address, award date, cumulative award and project start and end.


EPA ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENT –This program carries out research and analyses of the interactions and relationships between the economy and environmental pollution control as well as other aspects of environmental economics.

EPA’s OFFICE OF WETLANDS, OCEANS AND WATERSHEDS HOMEPAGE –EPA’s Office of Wetlands,Oceans and Watersheds (OWOW) was created in April 1991 to integrate the protection and management of our Nation’s watersheds, coastal and marine waters, and wetlands.

Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission – Representingthe governors of 29 states on oil and natural gas issues.


Helios Environmental Resource Network – non-profit environmental organization providing printed and on-line information about environmentally sound and healthful products and services in the Cascadia Bioregion.

EPA Green Vehicle Guide – Information on the cleanest and most fuel efficient makes and models of automobiles.


Midpeninsula Regional Open Space Preserve .


WWW Gem and Mineral Show – Pictures of rocks online.


NECONA – National Environmental Coalition Of Native Americans: environmentalists working to keep nuclear waste off Indian lands.

Civil Nuclear Industry – The Institute is an independent, non-governmental, global organisationwhich offers a forum for research and debate on economic and political issues affecting the civil nuclear industry.


Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod – A non-profit corporation founded in 1968 to preserve the natural resource on Cape Cod through advocacy, public education, publications, and scientific research.

National Audobon Society

Bay Area Action – citizen education organization working to preserve and restore the environment.

Biopolitics International Organization

Brownfields 2000 – Research and regionalism, revitivizing the american community.

California Nature Groups – Environmental Coalitions

Calumet Ecological Park Association – proposes to establish an urban ecological park in Chicago’s Lake Calumet area and Northwest Indiana.

Canadian World Parrot Trust – the only international conservationorganization devoted exclusively to the survival of parrot species in the wild, as well as the welfare of every parrot.

Chehalis River Council – A nonprofit corporation dedicated to maintaining and restoring the water resources of the Chehalis River Basin.

ChemAlliance – Regulatory Information for the Chemical Process Industries – Information about EPA and OSHA regulations and compliance.

Chesapeake Bay Trust

Clark County Environmental Internet Coalition – State of the Environment in Clark County, Washington, USA

Council of Great Lakes Governors – private non-profit organization formed to coordinate environmental stewardship in the Great Lakes states.

Earth Island Institute

Earth Summit Watch

Ecological Society of America

ECOTOPIA – A design strategy for the new millennium in Santa Cruz, California.

Envirocentre – Our goal: Foster world-wide environmental preservation and restoration.

Coalition for Public Trust – A non-partisan Coalition of Washington state citizens committed to land management and quality of life issues.

EnviroLink Network

Environmental Research Institute of Michigan – ERIM is a private, nonprofit, high technology organization that performs research and development and related services for its sponsors.

Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong)

Friends of the Environment – a non-profit organization, dedicated to protecting and improving Canada’s natural environment.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) – ICLEI is the international environmental agency for local governments

IUCN, The World Conservation Union – to influence, encourage, and assist societies throughout the world to conserve nature and that use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.

Millennium Foundation of Canada

National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA)

National Recycling Coalition

Northwest Ecosystem Alliance – active environmental organization in the Pacific Northwest.

Northwestern University – Students for Environmental and Ecological Development

Nova Scotia Environment and Development Coalition – information available on the Atlantic Wildlife Carving Competition and Show.


Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute – Serving as a focal point of environmental discussions in North Idaho and Eastern Washington State.

Sierra Club

San Jacinto River Association – Preserve, protect and defend the San Jacinto River and its tributaries. Will inform and educate about the river, serve as its advocate and act as its watchdog.

Suisun Marsh Natural History Association – an environmental organization focusing its efforts on the 55,000 acre Suisun Marsh and the surrounding area in Solano County, California.

Superfund Reform 95 – reform the federal Superfund hazardous waste cleanup law’s liability, financing, and remedy regimes.

Trail Center

Trust for Public Land, The – National, nonprofit organization that conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens, natural areas and open space.


Iowa Prairie Network – dedicated to preserving the most endangered biome in North America, the tallgrass prairie

Northwest Ancient Forests – Help save our ancient forests from the US Forest Service and timber industry.


Illinois Recycling Association – Promoting recycling, reuse and waste reduction.

Keep America Beautiful – Keep America Beautiful, Inc. is a national, non-profit, public education organization with local affiliates, dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and environment in American communities and improving waste handling practices at the community level.

Recycle Exchange – An online community and information resource for people who recycle.

Solid Waste Association of North America – Non-profit education organization whose mission is to advance the practice of municipal solid waste management.


Committee for the National Institute for the Environment (CNIE) – national, non-profit organization working to improve the scientific basis for making decisions on environmental issues, through creation of a new, non-regulatory environmental science and education agency.

EarthWatch – a non-profit company founded in 1972, which provides funding to scientific endevors through the Earthcorps volunteers in 150 countries.

EPA Envirofacts Homepage – Description of the Envirofacts Information Warehouse, a relational database allowing free, public access to several EPA data systems, as well as mapping applications for the data.


PUBLIC INTEREST SCIENCE – How Public Interest Scientists Are Having An Impact from Toxics to Biodiversity.

Renew America – Coordinates a network of community and environmental groups, businesses, government leaders and civic activists to exchange ideas and expertise for improving the environment.

Round River Conservation Studies – An ecologically oriented research and education organization dedicated to preserving and restoring wildness and to fostering and applying the awareness of the rights of nature.

EPA Scientific Metadata Standards Project – developing, maintaining, and providing access to metadata for EPA and related data sets.


Algalita Marine Research Foundation – Dedicated to scientific research on environmental problems affecting species and habitats in the near shore marine environment.

Oceania Project, The – its vision is to engage the minds of people around the planet to become inspired about cetacea, the oceans and the marine environment.

Okeanos Ocean Research Foundation

Save Our Seas – Hawaii’s non-profit organization dedicated to ending all ocean pollution.

Save Our Seashore, Inc – help protect our valuable asset, our shoreline. Learn how you can help to stem erosion and destruction.

Surfrider – Non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the world’s waves and beaches.

Gulf of Mexico Program – Information about the ecological and resulting economic issues facing the Gulf Coast states.


Conservation and Preservation Charities of America Index – Overpopulation, deforestation, pollution, and the reckless waste of our natural resources must be met and addressed. Join us in saving our world.

Earth Pledge Foundation – a non-profit organization promoting Sustainable Development

ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS – SUSTAINABILITY RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT CONSULTING Environmental Management & Sustainable Economic Development Organizational Change Management & Business Process Improvement

Ecotrust – a private, nonprofit organization established in 1991 to promote conservation-based development, beginning in the temperate rain forests of North America.

Green Cross International – Working on sustainable development. Active in 20 countries. Our President is the Hon Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev.

Millennium Institute – Provides news on the State of the World, tools for achieving environmentally sustainable development, and ideas for celebrating the new millennium in 2000 in constructive ways.

Northwest Environment Watch – An independent research center to foster a sustainable economy and way of life in the Pacific Northwest.

Panos – works internationally, in partnership with others, to bring about change to more sustainable patterns of development.

Project 2050 Save Earth – A design for a sustainable community with a plan to propagate the communities as fast as people choose to move into them.

Reclaim the Streets

Resource Renewal Institute – To support ideas, individuals and new institutions that further the principles of sustainable natural resource management.

Rocky Mountain Institute – to foster the efficient and sustainable use of resources as a path to global security.

Sustainable Communities Network

Sustainable Development and Sustainable Agriculture

The Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development

World Conservation Monitoring Centre – mission is to work towards the sustainable use of the Earth’s natural resources by providing conservation data and services.

World Stewardship Institute – a non-profit organization aimed at helping corporations to get “greener”


American Forests – citizens working for healthy and sustainable community and rural forest ecosystems since 1875, home of the Global ReLeaf environmental campaign.

Forests Forever – The Mission of Forests Forever is: To protect and enhance the forests and wildlife habitat of California through educational, legislative and electoral activities.

Heartwood – dedicated to health of forest of Central Hardwood region.

International Arid Lands Consortium -IALC – an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering sustainable uses of the world’s arid and semiarid lands.

Rainforest Health Project

Rainforest Site

Trees for Life – helps people in developing countries plant fruit trees, which provide nutrition and fight hunger, as well as protect the environment. We also offer an educational tree growing kit, The Trees for Life Adventure.


Hazardous and Medical Waste Program – provides information relating to hazardous and medical waste issues, EPA Monthly Hotline Reports.

National Small Flows Clearinghouse – Free and low-cost Information about innovative small community wastewater treatment. Funded by U.S. EPA

U.S. EPA Office of Wastewater Management – Information on wastewater treatment technologies, NPDES permitting requirements, bio-solids management, EPA water quality initiatives, and other water quality topics.


Wilderness Preservation Club – Our Club’s mandate is to stop the destruction of wilderness land, by buying it.

Wilderness Society – devoted primarily to public lands protection and management issues

Wilderness Society, The (Australia) – environment organization which focuses on the protection of Australian Wilderness.

Wildlands Restoration Team



Environmental Volunteers

Volunteertoday – this page lists a passel of links to web sites for people that work with volunteers

Environmental Working Group – Environmental information about WHERE YOU LIVE!

Environsan 2000 – Solution 2000 Consumer & Product Information.

Freshman Interest Group

Hidden Villa

National Public Lands Day – an annual event in all 50 states–Saturday, September 23, 2000, that has volunteers working with public land managers(federal, state and local) to get needed work done.

Nature Conservancy

Neighborhood Green Corps – is a non-profit training program for young people interested in environmental and public service work.

Oregon Natural Resources Council – contains political alerts on conservation issues, environmental newsletters and a list of great hiking trails in Oregon’s wilderness.

Pacific Basin Consortium on Hazardous Waste Research and Management – Hazardous Waste issues in the Pacific Rim / Pacific Basin.

Public Citizen – Critical Mass Energy Project – Energy policy information relating to nuclear power, radioactive waste, renewable energy, energy efficiency, transportation and electricity restructuring.

RIVER NETWORK ONLINE – River Network’s mission is to help people organize to protect and restore rivers and watersheds.

University of Glamorgan Greenpeace – photographs and links to environmental sites.

Utah Wilderness Education Project – Illustrate Utah and national wilderness issues/problems.

Provides facts, information, perspectives and documents.

WEAVING CONNECTIONS – CULTURES AND ENVIRONMENTS – conference of environmental educators, 14-19 Aug, Vancouver, Canada

Index of Environmental Organizations